Copy Trading Crypto: The Game-Changing Strategy For Investors

Copy Trading Crypto: The Game-Changing Strategy For Investors
Want to learn the mechanism of copy trading crypto? Read this detailed guide, which provides details of the trading strategy.

Face it: the crypto market can be a wild ride. New coins pop up daily; charts look like roller coasters and technical jargon gets thrown around like confetti. Even if you’re curious about investing in cryptocurrencies, you find them challenging to understand, and that’s where copy trading crypto comes in—a revolutionary strategy that lets you leverage the expertise of seasoned traders.

Imagine being able to copy the trades of a crypto bull, profiting from their experience without needing to become a crypto expert yourself. Does it sound too good to be true? 

Well, it’s not. This blog will explain everything you need to know about crypto copy trading, from how it works to how to choose the following strategies. So buckle up and get ready to unlock a new level of crypto investing!

What Is Copy Trading?

All right, so we piqued your interest in copy trading crypto. But what exactly is it? To break it down to its core, it’s like having a crypto investing buddy—a super successful one.

Crypto copy trading is a feature you’ll find on many trading platforms. It lets you mimic the trades made by experienced traders on the platform. These crypto traders willingly share their portfolio details and trading strategies so their followers can copy them. 

Let’s simplify: visualise being at a party with many professional poker players. You’re new to the game, but you can see these folks consistently raking in chips. For crypto copy trading, you’re the newbie, and experienced players are the successful crypto traders. 

The exciting part is that some platforms allow you to copy the pros’ trades. They buy Ethereum; you buy Ethereum. They sell Bitcoin, and your holdings automatically follow suit. It’s like having a crypto trading whisperer in your ear, telling you exactly what to do.

For cryptocurrency beginners, copy trading provides a window into the expertise of seasoned traders. Instead of diving into market analysis or crafting their strategies, they can follow the trades of others. This approach has gained traction because it offers a hassle-free method for newcomers to the crypto world to profit from successful trading strategies.

How Does Copy Trading Crypto Work?

So, copy-trading crypto is like having a crypto trading guru whispering in your ears. Let’s peek behind the curtain and see how this magic trick works. Here’s how ‘copy trading in crypto functions:

Step 1: Pick Your Platform

First, you need a crypto exchange or platform that offers copy trading. These platforms will have a marketplace where experienced traders (sometimes called “signal providers”) share their trading activity.

Step 2: Find Your Crypto Guru

Now, the fun part is choosing who to copy! Most platforms let you filter traders based on their past performance, risk tolerance, and the types of crypto they trade. Do your research, read reviews from other followers, and pick someone whose strategy aligns with your goals.

Step 3: Set Your Parameters

Just because you’re copying someone doesn’t mean you’re unthinkingly following them off a cliff. Most platforms allow you to customise your copy settings. You can choose what percentage of your portfolio to allocate to each copied trade or even set limits on how much your position can fluctuate.

Step 4: Let the Automation Begin:

Once you’ve chosen your trader and set your parameters, the platform takes care of the rest. Whenever your chosen guru makes a trade, the platform replicates that trade in your account (based on your settings). It’s like having a crypto trading autopilot on – you sit back, relax, and (hopefully) watch your portfolio grow. 

Benefits Of Copy Trading

Okay, so we understand the mechanics behind copy trading crypto – it’s like having a crypto trading sensei whispering golden trade ideas in your ear and a handy bot that executes them for you. 

But why exactly is this a game-changer? Let’s break down the key benefits that make copy trading so attractive, especially for beginners:

Access to Expertise

Let’s face it: the crypto market can be a complex beast. Technical analysis, market trends, and all that jargon can leave even the most enthusiastic investor feeling lost. With crypto copy trading, you gain access to the knowledge and experience of seasoned traders. They’ve done the hard yards of learning the ropes, and you get to reap the rewards (hopefully!).

Reduced Stress

Crypto trading can be a real nail-biter. You constantly monitor charts, research coins, and make split-second decisions. Copy trading lets you take a step back and let the experts handle the heavy lifting. You can choose your risk tolerance and set up your trading strategy, then relax and let the platform do its thing.

Learning Opportunity

Even though you’re copying trades, copy trading isn’t a magic trick that turns you into a crypto guru overnight. Many platforms allow you to see the logic behind your chosen traders’ trades. This can be a fantastic way to learn valuable insights into the crypto market, putting you in a better position to make informed decisions.


Spreading your bets across different assets is a crucial principle of intelligent investing. Copy trading allows you to do this easily. You can follow multiple traders with varying styles of investment and coin preferences, creating a more diversified crypto portfolio that is less susceptible to market swings.


Not only do some have the hours to spend glued to crypto charts, but copy trading is a great time-saving strategy. Once you’ve set it up, you can go about your day job, catch up with friends, or tackle that never-ending to-do list while your crypto portfolio is actively managed (by your chosen trading experts).

How To Select The Perfect Crypto Trader For Copy Trading?

Although we have painted a pretty rosy picture of copy trading crypto so far, it’s necessary to mention the drawbacks of this trading strategy. Here’s what you need to consider before diving in:

Market Risks

Let’s remember the crypto market is inherently volatile. Even the most experienced traders can’t escape the unpredictable nature of crypto prices. So, while this trading can magnify profits, it can also amplify losses.

Dependency on Trader Performance

Remember, you’re hitching your wagon to another trader’s star. If they make bad decisions, your portfolio suffers, too. Choosing the right traders to copy is crucial, and past performance isn’t always a guarantee of future success.

Fees and Costs

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and copy trading platforms often charge fees. These can vary depending on the platform and the trader you choose to copy. Be sure to factor in these costs before you start.

Limited Control

With this form of trading, you surrender a certain degree of control over your portfolio. While you can set parameters and choose your traders, you’re not actively making the investment decisions. This can be good for reducing stress, but it’s essential to be comfortable with this approach.

How To Select The Perfect Crypto Trader For Copy Trading?

You can’t follow any trader and assume you’ll profit from your account balance. Crypto copy trading isn’t a guaranteed profit scheme like a pyramid scheme. If the trader you follow earns money, you do, too. However, if they incur losses, you’ll suffer the same fate.

Therefore, it’s crucial to be cautious and select the right crypto trader. 

You must establish some essential criteria for your copy-trading partner. The specific criteria you seek depend on your market objectives. 

But how do you identify the right one? Let’s focus on four critical aspects of copy trading crypto to simplify things.


This one is a no-brainer. Look for traders with a proven track record of generating consistent profits. Most platforms will display historical performance metrics, so look for traders with consistent earnings over a reasonable timeframe. 

Analyse these performances, examining factors like return on investment and overall success rate. This insight will help you identify traders with the potential to deliver satisfactory returns on your investment. Note: Don’t get fooled by short-term spikes in gains – focus on long-term consistency.


While not the be-all and end-all, a trader’s number of followers can be a helpful data point. Why would a trader have a large following if they weren’t profitable? People naturally gravitate towards success. No one would continue to follow a trader who consistently performs poorly.

On copy trading crypto platforms, follower count functions much like on social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Quality content attracts followers; likewise, a skilled trader attracts many followers. A high follower count signifies trust in the trader and indicates a consistent level of performance.

However, follow the crowd carefully. Do your research and make sure the trader’s strategy aligns with your goals.


In life, nothing comes easy. To earn more money, you need to be willing to take risks. The greater the risk, the greater the potential reward. In copy trading, not all successful traders are created equal. Some are aggressive risk-takers, while others are more conservative.

Think about your risk appetite. Are you comfortable with the potential for high gains and losses, or prefer a steadier, more measured approach? Choose a trader whose risk profile aligns with yours.


Inconsistency isn’t appealing to anyone. If you excel one day but underperform the next, people will see you as unreliable. Therefore, you must select a trader with a consistent portfolio. 

A single profitable month doesn’t guarantee future success. Look for traders who have a history of consistent performance over time. This indicates they have a solid trading strategy, not just a lucky streak. 

Major copy trading crypto platforms often display graphs showing a trader’s performance history so you can see how they’ve weathered different market conditions.

By carefully considering these factors, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect crypto copy trading partner. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so take your time, research, and choose a trader who complements your investment style and risk tolerance.

Difference Between Copy, Mirror and Social Trading

A common question about online copy trading is, “Is it the same as mirror and social trading?” While they may seem similar at first glance, each approach has unique characteristics and benefits. 

Let’s break down the key differences between them in a straightforward manner:


Copy Trading

Mirror Trading

Social Trading


Investors automatically replicate trades

Trades are mirrored in real-time

Traders share insights and collaborate


Automated process

Automated process

Manual or automated process

Decision Making

Followers rely on leaders’ decisions

Followers may customise parameters

Collaboration and community insights


Limited control over individual trades

Limited control over individual trades

Full control over individual trades

Risk Management

Depends on leader’s risk management

Depends on leader’s risk management

Personal risk management strategies


Minimal interaction between parties

Minimal interaction between parties

Extensive interaction and communication

Learning Curve

Low learning curve for followers

Low learning curve for followers

High learning curve with potential mentorship

Community Aspect

Less emphasis on community interaction

Less emphasis on community interaction

Strong community interaction and collaboration

Is Crypto Copy Trading A Profitable Investment Technique?

We’ve covered a lot of ground—how copy trading operates, its benefits and drawbacks, and even how to pick the perfect trader to copy. But the burning question remains: Is copy trading crypto profitable?

The short answer is that it can be, but there are no guarantees. While this form of trading potentially allows you to leverage the skills of successful traders, it’s not a magic trick that turns you into a crypto millionaire overnight. Here’s why:

  • Market Volatility: The crypto market is known for its wild swings. Even the most experienced traders can’t escape the ups and downs. So, even if you copy a successful trader, your portfolio will still be subject to these market fluctuations, and there’s always the chance of losses.
  • Trader Performance:  You’re hitching your wagon to another trader’s star. Their decisions directly impact your profits. Even if you pick a trader with a good track record, there’s always the possibility they could have a bad run.
  • Fees and Costs: Remember the fees involved. Copy trading platforms often charge fees; some traders may have additional performance-based fees. These fees can eat into your profits, so be sure to factor them in when considering overall profitability.

Profitability can fluctuate based on market conditions, chosen strategies, and the ever-changing crypto landscape. Hence, you need to study the market carefully, be prompt in taking action, and try to diversify your folio as much as possible. 


Copy trading crypto isn’t a magic money machine but can be a powerful tool for new investors. It lets you use successful traders’ knowledge, saving you time, stress, and late-night chart-watching sessions. Do your research, choose your traders wisely, and manage your risk. 

Also, crypto trading attracts taxes in several prominent countries worldwide. And manually calculating such taxes can be very daunting. 

Hence, you can use KoinX, an automated crypto tax reporting platform that automatically segregates your transaction based on its nature and calculates the exact crypto taxes. Apart from calculating taxes, KoinX provides you with a well-updated information center, trending blogs to strategize and understand crypto markets, and ample free tools to simplify your tax calculation journey. So, join KoinX today and get your crypto tax sorted.