What Is BscScan And How To Use It?

What Is BscScan And How To Use It?
Master the user-friendly blockchain explorer BscScan - track wallets, tokens, contracts, gas prices, and other on-chain activity on Binance Smart Chain.

Blockchain technology has advanced the world of finance and decentralised applications. With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies, there is an increasing demand for reliable tools to explore and analyse various blockchain networks. 

One of the unique features of these blockchains that makes them innovative technologies is their data transparency and privacy for users. Most blockchains that dominate the cryptocurrency space are public blockchains whose data can be accessed freely on the internet. 

BscScan is a block explorer for Binance Smart Chain or BSC. Using BscScan, you can browse and search the BSC network for validators, addresses, tokens, transactions, and other activity.

In this guide, you will learn what BscScan is and how you can use it to perform various activities and make the most of this blockchain explorer.

What Is BscScan?

BscScan is a blockchain explorer for BSC, similar to Etherscan for Ethereum. The blockchain explorer allows you to explore the information stored on the blockchain, such as transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts, and analyse token data.

With support from Binance, BscScan has become the well-known and official blockchain explorer for the BNB chain since its launch in 2020. As a scalable and efficient blockchain network for digital assets and decentralised applications, BscScan has gained immense popularity. The platform provides you with a comprehensive and transparent view of the BNB ecosystem, enabling a variety of functions. For example, BscScan allows real-time tracking of transactions, providing insights into payment statuses, block confirmations, etc.

Furthermore, BscScan is a free and open-source tool that anyone can use, from a developer and an investor to a trader and casual user. The platform is also compatible with various wallets, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet and Binance Chain Wallet. As a result, you can easily connect your wallet to BscScan and use it.

In short, BscScan is like a search engine for the BSC. It allows you to explore, analyse, and interact with everything happening on the network in real-time. BscScan has it all, whether you want to look up a transaction, check the price of a token, verify a contract, or track network statistics.

What Are The Uses Of BscScan?

BscScan is similar to Explorer on many different blockchain platforms. The BscScan explorer provides real-time information about the activities of a blockchain, including transaction information, addresses, block generation, token price, etc. 

Some of the uses of Bsc Scan are as follows:

  • Search for transactions and monitor their progress.
  • Viewing newly added blocks to the blockchain.
  • Looking up wallet addresses and their activities.
  • Examining the balances of wallets and transactions that have occurred.
  • Searching and interacting with smart contracts on the blockchain.
  • Exploring the availability of tokens and other cryptocurrencies.

You can access all of this information for free and don’t need to register on BscScan to explore it.

Advantages Of Using BscScan

BscScan offers several advantages that make it a popular choice, including

  • Ease of use: User-friendly interface for new users and experts.
  • Rich data: Broad and granular on-chain data to make informed decisions.
  • Legitimacy: Verification of contracts helps users develop trust.
  • Free access: All functions and resources are available for free use.
  • Real-time insights: Live transaction feed and gas tracker for current network view.
  • Transparency: The public explorer promotes transparency.

What Are The Key Features Of Bsc Scan?

Bsc Scan has a wide range of features and functionalities that can help you better understand the BSC network. Here are some of the most important and useful ones:

Real-Time Transaction Tracking

One of the main features of BscScan is that it allows you to track and verify transactions on the Binance Smart Chain in real-time. You can view the most recent blocks and transactions on the homepage or use the search bar to look for a specific transaction hash, block number, or address. You can filter the transactions by status, type, value, and more.

When you click on a transaction, you can see all the details and information about it, such as

  • The sender and receiver addresses.
  • The transaction value and fee.
  • The transaction status and confirmation time.
  • The gas price.
  • Any memos attached to the transfer.

You can also view the transaction on a visual chart that shows the gas price, gas used, and gas limit over time. This can help you understand how the transaction was executed and how much it cost.

Exploring BSC Wallet Addresses

BscScan also enables you to search for, explore, and interact with BSC wallet addresses on the blockchain. Every address on BSC acts like an account that can hold balances and engage in various transactions. You can search for a wallet address on BscScan, and you can see all the information and activity related to it, such as:

  • The total balance currently held.
  • Breakdown of all ERC-20 tokens held.
  • The address has interacted with smart contracts.
  • Full history of every transaction.
  • Analytics like gas usage.

This transparent profile showcases the on-chain activity of an address across its lifespan. You can track address history to assess market momentum based on movements by famous holders, or “Whales.” Basically, BscScan transforms simple addresses into information-rich activity logs for your research.

Smart Contract Verification

Another feature of BscScan is that it allows you to verify and audit smart contracts on BSC. A smart contract is a code that runs on the blockchain and executes certain functions and logic according to predefined rules and conditions. 

Smart contracts are the backbone of many DeFi applications and protocols on BSC, such as decentralised exchanges, lending platforms, yield farms, NFT marketplaces, and more.

You can search for a smart contract address on BscScan, and you can see all the information and details about it, such as:

  • The contract name and type.
  • The contract source code and compiler version.
  • The contract creation and verification date.
  • The contract functions and events.
  • The contract balance and transactions

With this transparency, you can browse verified contracts to audit functionality or even replicate contracts for your needs.

Token Tracking And Analysis

BscScan allows you to track and analyse tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. A token is a digital asset with a value or utility on the blockchain, and it can be transferred and exchanged among users and platforms. 

There are various types of tokens on BSC, such as BEP-20 (similar to ERC-20 on Ethereum), BEP-721 (similar to ERC-721 on Ethereum), and more. You can search for a token name, symbol, or address on BscScan and track and analyse a token such as

  • The token name and symbol.
  • The token contract address and type.
  • The token total supply and circulating supply.
  • The token price and market cap.
  • The token analytics and charts
  • View the token price history and trends.
  • View the token holder distribution and changes.

By tracking and analysing tokens on BscScan, you can discover and evaluate new and existing tokens on BSC. Additionally, you can also monitor and optimise your token portfolio and investments.

Gas Price Monitoring

BscScan also allows you to monitor and adjust gas prices. To process all its transactions, BSC charges small fees called gas paid in its native BNB token. The gas prices fluctuate depending on network congestion and demand. They also affect the speed and cost of your transactions. 

The BscScan has dedicated tracking around the network’s historical and live gas prices. Its gas tracker tab shows interactive graphs of daily gas price movements. You can also view suggested gas prices for upcoming transactions categorised as slow, standard, or fast. 

BscScan lets you track current and historical gas prices on the Binance Smart Chain, along with insightful metrics, such as

  • The average gas price and the minimum and maximum gas prices.
  • The safe, low, standard, fast, and fastest gas prices.
  • The gas price chart and table.
  • Set the gas price and limit for your transactions.
  • Estimate the transaction fee and confirmation time.

By monitoring and adjusting gas prices on BscScan, you can optimise your transactions and save money on fees.

How To Use BscScan

Using BscScan is simple and easy to use. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection. You can access BscScan by visiting the website: https://bscscan.com/.

To use BscScan, you can browse the homepage, which shows you an overview of the BSC network, such as the latest blocks, transactions, gas prices, validators, and tokens. Additionally, you can also access various features and information on BscScan by using the navigation bar at the top of the page. Here are some of the main tabs under the BscScan menu:

Home: This is the main page of the BscScan website.

Blockchain: The main place to find transaction data. This drop-down has multiple options, such as:

  • Top Accounts: It shows the accounts with the most BNB holdings. You can use this feature to track the activities of BNB whales and make informed decisions. as it is assumed whales’ actions often influence prices significantly.
  • Transactions: This shows you the list of the latest transactions on the BSC network. You can view the details of any transaction hash by clicking on it, such as the status, block number, value, gas fee, and input data.
  • View Blocks: The tab shows the list of the latest blocks on the BSC network. You can click on any block number to view details, such as the timestamp, transactions, block reward, gas used, etc.

Validators: Validators are individuals or entities that confirm transactions on a blockchain. The Validators section contains two options: Validators Leaderboard (Blocks Validated) and Validators Set Info.

Tokens: This section displays data about BEP-20 tokens on the BSC network. The top tokens option includes token name, price, volume, circulating market supply, and holders. You can find Txn Hash, method, from and to, value, and token name in the token transfer option.

Resources: This section includes charts & statistics, and top statistics. In charts & statistics, you will find market data, blockchain data, network data, etc. Whereas, the top statistics option shows you statistics on the BNB Chain as the top BNB sender and receiver.

NFTs: This section focuses on related information, such as top NFTs, NFT top mints, the latest NFT trades, and the latest transfer of NFTs.

More: The section provides more tools and services for you, which include converters, account balance checkers, gas trackers, DEX trackers, verified signatures, and many more.

How To Check Transactions On BscScan?

Using BscScan to look up a transaction is similar to using other block explorers. You can use the transaction hash or wallet address to find the required details. 

To do this, you can follow these steps:

  • Open a browser and visit the BscScan website.
  • In the search bar, enter the transaction hash or wallet address you want to check.
  • BscScan will query its database and show detailed information about the transaction, including the transaction amount, date, block number, balances, transaction fees, and status.
  • You will get the transaction status, which can be pending, successful, or failed. This information will help you determine the progress and outcome of the transaction.
  • You can also discover additional details about the transaction by clicking on specific sections, such as the sender’s address, recipient’s address, or transaction hash.

How To Verify Smart Contracts On BscScan?

You can use BscScan to enter any contract address and verify it. The platform compares and contrasts your code with published codes to confirm the match. If the compiled code is the same as the one running on this blockchain, you’ll see a green tick on the toolbar and a [Contract Source Code Verified] notice. 

Follow the steps to verify a smart contract.

  • Navigate to the Developers section on the top menu.
  • From the drop-down menu, click Verify Contract.
  • Enter the details required and click Continue to verify your contract.

How To Check Gas Prices With BscScan Gas Tracker?

Gas Tracker is a feature on BscScan where you can see information about gas fees on BNB Chain, such as average gwei, block size, and average utilisation.

  • Go to More in the top menu section.
  • Click on Gas Tracker under the Explore section.
  • Monitor the average gas price displayed on the page in the Standard, Fast, and Rapid options.
  • Check the pending transaction pool information, such as block size and average utilisation.

How To Find Yield Farm List On BscScan

The BscScan platform also shows you all the top farming opportunities on the BscScan yield farming dashboard.

On the Yield Farming Dashboard, you can see the latest farms, where to access them, and how they work on their dedicated websites. Yield farming (or liquidity mining) is a way to generate crypto with your existing holdings. You can use platforms like PancakeSwap to generate yield on the BNB Smart Chain.

BscScan Vs. Etherscan: What Are The differences?

Both BscScan and Etherscan have similarities as blockchain explorers. They are both designed by the same team, and both are simple and easy to use. Similarly, the two platforms have some key differences, like:

  • Blockchain Network: BscScan is designed for Binance Smart Chain, while Etherscan is for Ethereum.
  • Token: BscScan supports tokens that operate on the Binance Smart Chain network, while Etherscan supports tokens that operate on the Ethereum network.
  • Supported Wallet: BscScan only supports a limited number of wallets, such as metamask and trust wallets, compared to Etherscan, which supports a broader range of wallets.

BscScan vs EtherScan




Blockchain Network

Binance Smart Chain





Token Support

Binance Smart Chain-based tokens

Ethereum-based tokens


Detailed analytics for the Binance Smart Chain network

Detailed analytics for the Ethereum network

User Interface

Clean and modern design

More traditional design


Focus on dApps and token exploration.

Focus on technical data and contract verification.

Community Support

Growing with a smaller user base

Well-established with a large user base.


BscScan is a powerful and essential tool for interacting with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. It offers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface to explore, analyse, and interact with the blockchain network. To generate a profit, analyse, trade, and explore various crypto assets, such as tokens, airdrops, and NFTs, using BscScan. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is BscScan Used For?

As a blockchain explorer, BscScan is a blockchain explorer for the Binance Smart Chain network, providing real-time data and information about transactions, addresses, and smart contracts. It offers a free and user-friendly interface for you to access and get valuable insights.

Is BscScan Safe?

BSC Scan is safe and does not require you to sign up to use the platform to view and explore the data. However, before using the BSCscan, verify whether you are using the official BscScan website (bscscan.com) and avoid phishing attempts. Moreover, always be cautious when connecting your wallet to any platform.

How Is BSC Different From BNB?

BSC or BNB Smart Chain, is a blockchain network that supports tokens, smart contracts, NFTs, and DApps. In short, BNB is the native token of the Binance ecosystem, which is compatible with the Binance Chain and the BNB Smart Chain.

Is BscScan Compatible With NFTs?

BscScan is fully compatible with non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. You can easily track NFTs on BscScan using the transaction hash, NFT contract address, or wallet address. You can access the top NFT mints, the latest NFT trades, and the latest transfer of NFTs in the NFTs section.

What Are Some BscScan Alternatives For Exploring Blockchain?

Some of the alternatives to BscScan are Binance Chain Explorer, Binance Explorer, and BitQuery Explorer. These platforms provide similar information to BscScan and offer advanced search and analytics abilities for developers and users.


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