How to Fix 'Acquisition History Not Found' Error on KoinX: Step-by-Step Guide


What exactly is "Acquisition History Not Found" error?
Imagine you bought 2 MATIC coins in 2021-2022 financial year and then sold those 2 MATIC coins in 2023-2024 financial year. While adding data to your KoinX account you only uploaded data for financial year 2023-2024 on KoinX . Now for the platform to be able to calculate your gains properly, needs to know when you acquired those 2 MATIC coins and at what price etc. Hence the platform throws an error in such cases which is called the "Acquisition History Not Found" error. The fix for this is pretty simple, you just need to upload your previous year's transaction data onto KoinX so that the platform has information regarding when you acquired those 2 MATIC coins and voila your error will get fixed!


We always advice you to upload data from the very first year you started trading on KoinX.

Step 1

Navigate to transactions page on KoinX Platform (opens in a new tab)

Step 2

Click on the warnings filters and filter out transactions with "Can't find purchase transaction" warning. How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_2

Step 3

Click "Fix Now". How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_3

Step 4

Click "Upload data". How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_4

Step 5

Choose from a variety of methods to upload your previous year data onto KoinX. How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_5

Step 6

If you selected "Upload Data" method then you'll have to upload files for your previous year transactions data. How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_6

Step 7

Post successful upload, click "Submit". How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_7

Step 8

Go to transactions page, check the transaction that earlier had "Acquisition History Not Found" error - The error would be fixed now! How_to_fix_Acquisition_History_Missing_error_on_KoinX_step_8