How to Fix "Missing Price" Error on KoinX: Step-by-Step Guide


What exactly is "Missing Price" error?
We at KoinX maintain price history of huge number of coins at different instances in time, but sometimes our system encounters coins for which we don't have price data at a particular instant in time. In such cases the system throws "Missing Price" error. The fix for this is pretty simple, you just need to edit the transaction with such errors and enter the price of that coin at that instant of time to the best of your knowledge and our system will automatically start recalculating your entire portfolio to provide you with accurate numbers.

Step 1

Navigate to KoinX Platform (opens in a new tab)

Step 2

Click on the "Warnings" filter.


Step 3

Select the "Can't find Price" option to filter out all transactions with "Missing Price" error.


Step 4

Click on "Fix Now".


Step 5

You'll be shown a popup with all values pre-filled for that particular transaction. In this popup, either enter the Amount or Market Price to fix the error. We'll go with "Market Price" field for the purpose of this guide.


Step 6

After entering the value, click on "Save".


Step 7

Similarly fix other errors in your portfolio if exists.


Step 8

After adding prices for all error coins, the platform will start recalculating your portfolio data and you'll see that there are no more transactions with "Missing Price" error in your KoinX account.
