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Why Join the KoinX Affiliate Program?


Powerful Suite

Our powerful suite of tools offers your audience a comprehensive crypto finance solution.


Earn More

Start earning attractive commissions for every new customer who subscribes to a KoinX paid plan.


Promotion Made Easy

You will have access to a range of pre-made banners, emails designed to help you attract potential users.


KoinX Affiliate Badge

Display the KoinX-verified partner badge on your website or app to build your audience’s trust.


Comprehensive Tracking

Our dashboard offers a comprehensive view of clicks and earnings, allowing you to track performance and get paid.


Dedicated Support

Our dedicated team is here for you at every step, whether it is setting up your account or optimizing your campaigns.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone with a platform that can reach potential customers—bloggers, content creators, influencers, website owners, etc.—can apply to become a KoinX affiliate. However, approval typically depends on the relevance and reach of your platform.
Commission rates vary depending on the specific product or service sold through your referral link. Upon your acceptance into the program, detailed information on commission structures will be provided.
Commissions are typically paid monthly and processed through direct bank transfers or PayPal. Before the earnings are released, you must reach a minimum payout threshold.
You can track your earnings, referrals, and performance statistics through the affiliate dashboard provided by KoinX. This dashboard gives real-time insights into your affiliate activities.
You can contact our affiliate support team via email at Our team is here to help you with any questions or issues you might encounter.
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